Month: July 2008



    At   a birthday party,
    For dear Emily today,
    Oh, it shall be hearty,
    And full of fun  play.

    Ice cream and cake,
    With soda pop wash,
    Colors ‘n tastes,
    ‘L have effect b’gosh,
    No wastes.

    Oh, do have at it,
    Have great fun Emily,
    It’s your day !

    Go the HAPPY BIRTHDAY way !  !




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                                            Kelli and doug

    Somehow each night come time to sit at the keyboard the days activities  have been such that about all I can do is - – - – -  sit  – - – - -.  Tonight is the same, after a big family party and visit yesterday and necessary running today,  I’ve had it.   But life lives its self as  it wishes, I do hope it keeps the promises i make it tonigh when daylight arrives . . . .

    Yes, Kelli and I met and it was wonderful.
















                                         Kelli and doug



     It’s nutty, I guess for a man with an autistic, contrary   way.   But like my dog,  therein hangs this tale.  

    My first awareness said to me, “Hey, part of you is missing, wonder what, why and how come ?”  

    That  aching, lonely void cried to be filled by another body, personality, ally  -   what ever called, I needed it to join for me to be  a complete entity. Although my life was full nd happy there  was alwaya room for more searching.   

    Questions to Mom, Dad, Granny were vain,  our doctor was no help either and life wewnt on . . . . .












    Eight plus  years ago the foundation for this edifice was dug . . . . . . . me handling the pick and shovel.using every bit of energy, strength, and ingenuity on this marvelous site the greatest   that could be had -   worldwide !

    It  has been worth every second of time, labor, sweat and thought  I could possibly expend and a labor of love  to boot.  But I find that I am much too tired to continue tonight so must put off my recounting ’til tomorrow.

    ‘Tis worth it to me, hope it is worth your waiting on my strugglling words – - – - – - – ’til tomorrow then, adios  . . .

                                               DSCN6707 .